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Tord Boontje - New Book!

Outside of Rachael Ray, Tord Boontje seems to be going for world domination these days, and for good reason, his designs are not only beautiful, but appeal to the masses, which could make him a household name here in the states real soon. (Although, when I ask most of my friends (just out of curiousity) who designed the decorations in Target, they usually tell me that either 1) They never even noticed them or, 2) Target has an art department that does that stuff. I'm thinking we still have a ways to go here... Maybe he needs to be booked on Oprah.)

In addition to everything else Tord has his hands on, did you know that he is soon to release a book in the Spring of '07? You can pre-order it right here on Amazon (I just did). Here is a snippet, straight from his website, which gives us a peek at what we can expect, "We have managed to create a comprehensive book of all activities to date. We have photographed all work to date in the forest, in settings and in the studio to create a spectacular documentation." Sounds lovely, doesn't it? Published by Rizzoli. To be released in 24 April 2007.

More details can be found here, where you can also pre order the book.

(image of book cover from rizzoli usa)