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Set Decoration

Have you heard of the SDSA, Set Decorators Society of America? When Rachel gave brief mention of them in Beachy Blues, I wondered why I'd not mentioned this sooner. Their website, though not as thorough as I'd like to see (not enough films that interest me, and where are the product resources?), it is very interesting to browse if set decorating intriques you at all. I know it certainly fascinates me. Don't miss the SDSA interview with designer, Susan Eschelbach, who worked on films, Win a Date With Tad Hamilton, and Monster In Law with J-Lo, to name a few.

"The Break-Up" via imdb

Do you recall the set in the The Break-Up? The movie was great, but even more memorable for me was that Chicago apartment. Designed by Stephanie Gilliam, those digs won the hearts of women everywhere. Especially the sofa (I heard it's from Crate and Barrel).

"The Break-Up" via imdb

I remember back when it released, googling The Break-Up until my fingers cramped with hopes of locating the set designer and a possible website that listed items used to pull the look together. I mean, wouldn't that be brilliant? Why is there not a magazine or website doing this already? Imagine the earning potential for sponsors? Their products are in movies and on television shows, and now millions of viewers know to click on a certain website, locate the movie or sitcom title, and instantly gain access to everything used in the set that can be purchased, right down to the color of the paint on the walls. Is this not a fabulous idea? But this just doesn't exist. Why people continue to spin out more of the same, not thinking of alternative ways to educate people (and earn money from it), baffles my mind.

"The Departed" via SDSA

"Monster In Law" via SDSA. I loved this scene, face down in her breakfast.

I'm not the only one viewing movies and sitcoms hoping to score something I saw on film. Last summer, I jumped in on a thread over in the Domino forum when a woman posted, 'The Break Up' I want thier stuff! because I found the topic of interest since I did too! As I followed the thread, I noticed someone else jumped in because she was looking for the coffee table used in Sarah Jessica Parker's apartment on the set of Sex in the City. Then I had a question of my own, so I inquired about the pillows I saw in Failure to Launch. It was like the blind leading the blind over there, because no one ultimately had answers, but we had fun. But it shed light on a simple truth. There's a growing interest in locating the products we're exposed to on film and television. We aren't comfortable with merely looking, we want to touch and ultimately, purchase.

[update: I was just directed over to Shelterrific and found that they have a great thread going on a similiar topic, only their asking "What's Your Favorite Big Screen Home Decor?" Click here to join their thread!]