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When Kimberly from Chez-Sucre-Chez wrote to me last night confessing her fear of self-promotion, I knew I had to rid her of these fears by posting about her work here on decor8.

The #1 mistake we can make as creative types is to kick our own butt by not talking about our work and passions with others. Always carry business cards, a small photo book showing off your wares (a little Kate Spade or Hable Construction brag book is both fashionable and durable while giving a professional appearance. Plus, you aren't a walking url, you can't show them your website while in line at Starbucks, but you can pull out a mini non-intimidating book showing recent photos of your collection inside). And most importantly, keep a positive feeling in your heart about who you are and what you are working so hard to do because that passion inside will beam through on your face. If you don't love your work, no one else will. I walked around Renegade last year and though I really enjoyed it and plan to return next summer, I couldn't believe some of the non-communicative, fear loaded vendors sitting around talking to their partners and ignoring their customers. I know they weren't being mean, they were most likely scared to be approached. Don't be. Then I noticed Emily from the Black Apple who took a very different approach - chatty, welcoming, warm. As a result, her booth was hopping, not 5 minutes passed where that booth sat still. So let's put an end to I'm not good enough. You are good enough. You rock. Get it? Self promote with style (don't annoy, just share) and you'll go far.

Now back to Chez-Sucre-Chez. This is a confident business lady, she takes pride in her work which is exactly why she wrote to me despite her fears to self-promote. I'm so glad she did. Her little crochet letters are Domino or Blueprint magazine worthy for sure. Best part, she'll create any letter you'd like, or if you'd like several to spell a word, just let her know. Wrap a few up and give to your friends. I appreciate how she showcases her work arranged here in a studio space. Fantastic!

(image from chez-sucre-chez)