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Muse Magazine {Fashion/Art}

Does anyone out there read new Italian fashion/art magazine Muse? I'm HOOKED... I mean H-O-O-K-E-D. It's more coffee table book than magazine as it's super thick and filled with images that you will want to refer back to often. It's a lot like Lula, my all-time favorite fashion magazine. I just found Muse here in Germany and I cannot stop looking at my copy called Back to Nature. If you can get this in your part of the world I strongly encourage picking one up. Chic, fashion forward, amazing photography, creative... Lovely.

It's also where I found out about the photography of Osvaldo Sanviti and his blog. Oh my.

And I found UK fashion photographer Karen Alexander who took the most lovely portrait of Kate Moss that I think I've ever seen, so delicate and feminine. I am a huge Kate Moss fan (her work as a model I mean) so it was lovely to come across this photograph above taken by Ms. Alexander.

I encourage you to visit the Muse page on My Space and listen to the song featured on their page "Roche " by Sebastien Tellier, sit back with a cup of tea for a moment, and enjoy the sights and sounds. And full disclosure here: I do not speak French so if this song is offensive I am not responsible! :)

(images: muse magazine, karen alexander, osvaldo sanviti)