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Sunday Morning Inspiration

A little Sunday morning design inspiration for you... I rarely blog on a Sunday but my friend Emma posted about the lovely stylist Stephanie Hanes in NYC and I couldn't resist peeking at her website as I'd not heard of her before. What terrific photos to enjoy over tea and French macaroons this morning (mine came from here). I couldn't wait to share so here you go... A peek. Click here for more.

Now that I've enjoyed a little inspiration from Stephanie, I'm off to drool over the latest issue of Domino magazine with one of my favorite actresses on the cover, Zooey Deschanel (don't you love her music?). While I usually don't drool over celebrities on the cover of any magazine, I can deal with those I feel are from the more down-to-earth crop of celebs. The Drew Barrymore Zooey Deschanel types seem more accessible to me somehow. I'm hoping they'll profile Zooey's talented and lovely sister Emily in the future as I'm a huge Bones fan... Anyway, you can buy the she&him CD here on Amazon in case you're interested in hearing Ms. Deschanel's lovely voice...

By the way, is it only me or do you also think that the Deschanel girls and Katy Perry look totally related? Zooey is super talented so I just love seeing her in my favorite American design mag this month! For those of you without access to the print article, you can view her studio here on the Domino website.

And before I sign off today I must share with you a most unique present from Three Potato Four owners Janet & Stu. This is from a bottling company that went out of business awhile back... I'd never heard of it before but since their little girl is named Holly and they found two of these bottles, they surprised me with one. It really does say, "Refresh with Holly" and so this is something I'll never part with - what a special gift! Thank you J&S!

Enjoy your cozy Sunday!

(images from stephanie hanes)