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Monday, Monday...

Good morning and happy Monday to you. How are things? Did you have a nice weekend? What did you do? I did a lot of running around — now that I’m walking again I’m making up for two weeks of errands that piled up and social activities that I’ve been dying to participate in. I also got to spend some time chillin’ in my backyard by the pond, I spotted the resident muskrat building his den and a baby bunny in the rhubarb patch. I stayed offline for most of the weekend, I’ve been religiously making a habit of unplugging from Saturday morning until Sunday night and I can’t tell you what a difference it makes — I get so much accomplished and feel completely refreshed and ready to go back online full speed by Monday morning. It’s great. I highly recommend it.

little pretty things

In addition to all the mundane weekend errands and such, I also had a pretty major undertaking to work on but I cannot tell you yet because I have big news to share later this month. I can’t tell now as I need to get a few things taken care of first but when it’s time to share, trust me, I will! I’ve been dying to tell you the news for a few weeks as it’s all quite life changing for me. My schedule is nuts as a result, but I can handle it since it is a change that I want to occur in my life — I’ve been imagining and hoping for this to happen for many years now.

So tell me, what’s going on lately in your world? Any summer plans? Vacations? I love this time of year because I start to lay out my summer calendar and it most definitely includes a few mini breaks out of state. I’m dying to go to New York City again soon — it’s been too long and I’m needing a dose of ABC Carpet & Home and a little Purl SoHo right about now, and of yes, some Chinatown as I’m dying to pick up some things for my home. This summer, which the weather gave us a sampling of this past weekend, I’m determined to not let a single day of sunshine slip away unnoticed. :)

By the way, are you liking the new font here? It looks pretty spiffy I think. Now I need to update my blog header and the decor8 logo so that it all coordinates a bit better. I’m going for simple and clean for this year’s template change. I’m also planning to remove a few features and add in some more that may be of interest to you. Oh, and have you noticed that I’ve updated my wists?

(image: holly becker)