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Kareena Zerefos (& discount)

Ready to step into the beautiful, soft world of Australia artist Kareena Zerefos where animals roam and little birds flutter by? She is one of my favorite creatives out there and I'll show you why... I think pictures speak louder than words when it comes to art so I'll show and then tell. And there's a discount at the end of all this beauty so please scroll down...

Kareena Zerefos (& discount)

Kareena Zerefos (& discount)

Kareena Zerefos (& discount)

Kareena Zerefos (& discount)

Kareena Zerefos

In the photo above you can see also some of her original works of art on wood, aren't they lovely? I've also included a magazine tear of her work desk because it's always so inspiring to see where artists work....

If you find something that you like in Kareena's shop please take 15% off any purchases, just use the coupon code ILOVEPRESENTS and bigcartel will do the rest. I'll take the owl and the deer and the... okay all of it please! Enjoy!

(images: kareena zerefoxs)