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Bookworm Design: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Hi there! It's Brigitte again. Apparently my last guest post tricked Holly into thinking you'd enjoy another post. :) Today, I'd like to take on a different topic. You see, I may write about design, but I am a bookworm to my core. And, recently I read a book that drove my mind in a thousand directions. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Have you read it? WARNING: It is not for the faint of heart. Seriously. my mind, the payoff is worth it. Intriguing mystery. Interesting characters. And a little (ok, a lot) of social commentary mixed in. And, the "girl" is pretty interesting. She's anti-social, a bit punk and generally counter-culture. And the book is set in Sweden. The land of put-it-on-an-alter decor. But this girl, she's not exactly rich. And she wears t-shirts with messages like "I am also an alien." Much of her decor comes from a dumpster. Of course I immediately set to designing a living room for this intriguing character which I'm gong to show you now.

It's a little punk. A tad bit edgy. And very industrial. And then I noticed, much of the Swedish decor we so admire is a bit industrial -- and even a little hard.

Skona Hem

Elle Interior

Hus & Hem

Collage sources from first image: Hemispheric Disconnect Print, Cross the Tracks Print, Rustic Industrial Typewriter Telephone Table, Work Lamp – Gold, Compass Desk Lamp, Sahara Chair, Hundtand Rug and Ikea Leather Sofa.

I like the idea of actively seeking out the outliers in many of the design styles idealized around the world (French decor also comes to mind). And, as a former punk myself, I loved designing an edgier type of room.

Who else harbors these same counter-culture tendencies? Don't you think it keeps things fresh and interesting? I'd love your thoughts! - Brigitte.

(images: linked to their sources above)