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Happy Weekend!

Here I am wishing wonderful you a great weekend! Thank you for visiting me on decor8 this week, your visits and comments mean so much to me and as I'm on some serious deadlines right now with the book and the only breaks I have are when I read your sweet notes on my site or in my inbox. So thank you for being such good friends. :)  I'm currently working on a special section in the book that I know you will find helpful but I'm so, so busy with Decorate right now that I feel this such a wacky mix of emotions currently! Right now I want to finish up and see the final product and then, show you because I'm a blogger -- I want to show and tell NOW not in months to come! ha ha! There are so many details and bits that I am holding back on because I simply cannot tell you now but when I can, I have many lovely stories from what I learned doing this project, who I met, all of it!





What will you do this weekend? I'll be at a flea market in the morning and then going out with my friend for a few hours, but then I need to write more and start working on the e-course materials for the next class. I also need to get some estimates for movers, we are hiring out (you get to a certain age where it no longer works to call your friends to help you -- they either all have bad backs now or kids, LOL, sigh - aging!) so we have to hire a moving company to basically move us around the corner but hey, I just want to get packed and get out at this point because I am so ready to move into our new home.

See you on Monday and have a very nice and hopefully relaxing weekend!

xo, Holly

(Images: Dit, a place we ate at in Den Bosch recently with our lovely friends.)