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Interior Styling Inspiration

This morning I must share with you some inspiring imagery from my Interior Styling Group on Flickr which currently has over 2,580 members worldwide! It's quite a dynamic group of talented decorators, that's for share. Don't believe me, well see for yourself some views of homes from just a handful of the submissions I've seen this week! I'd love for you to play the "spot toilet paper rolls" game with me for a moment. When you look at the images below, spot the toilet paper rolls and tell me what you think of them - you'll "get" what I mean in a moment. This is the best DIY project ever!


Dottie Angel

Saídos da Concha

Wood & Wool Stool

The Happy Home


wood & wool stool

Les Tissus Colbert

The Happy Home




See any ideas for your home? Will you be decorating this weekend at all? I am unpacking now that I'm back from Africa and Turkey, I have been traveling so much since I moved in on October 1 that nothing has been done in my house! Tomorrow our kitchen will finally be installed so I will be able to whip up meals now and enjoy morning breakfast in my kitchen -- I am so excited about this because it's truly the little things -- tea by the window with toast and honey -- that make me often the happiest. I miss having breakfast in a normal breakfast space, I miss having a kitchen sink, I miss having cabinets and places to store and I miss being able to make a pot of tea and drink it from a ceramic mug vs. a Styrofoam cup! I feel like I've been on a really long camping trip and tomorrow it will officially end! Plus, last night, I finally decided on the arrangement of my front rooms - where I will put the living, dining and my work room -- which is a huge relief because I've been turning this over in my head for weeks and now I've made a decision so I can start to furnish them and work on a floor plan. Yay!

What about you? Anything new? I have missed you guys so much! I'm not going to be traveling this month or next month, with the exception of maybe Hamburg and Berlin but those are weekend trips that won't disrupt my work schedule so you can count on seeing me each day. In January I will go to Maison & Objet in Paris for a week to post on decor8 and I'll be at Domotex, the big rug fair in Hannover, but I'll be online and blogging daily as usual so you can expect me around during normal business hours going forward. :) I am happy about this because I've missed being here daily - I have so much to talk to you about! Oh and next week Leslie will be back with her November edition of Color Me Pretty. Yay! I can't wait. And a big P.S. -- she's going to be continuing her column here for 2011 too, so you have more Leslie in the new year! Yay for us!

(images: linked to their sources above.)