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Enjoy Your Weekend!

I'm signing off for the weekend, lots to do and plan, but I'll meet you back here again on Monday. I hope that you enjoyed your week visiting decor8, and that you go into your weekend feeling inspired and ready to work on those projects, decorate, clean, brainstorm, and whatever else busy little you plans to do! This time of year always makes me think about how thankful I am for my family, my friends, this community, the love, the energy, the support and how grateful I am to have my health and a nice apartment that took me a year of pounding the pavement to find. I feel so safe, at home and cozy here. And though I am still blogging from my coffee table until my desk arrives, I feel thankful.



Inspiration from Lonny Magazine

To leave you with a dose of positivity, I was researching quotes the other day, and I took my work to Twitter and asked what quote was a favorite and I've selected below a few of my favorites. I put them together to resemble those little papers you receive in fortune cookies. I'd love to know what is YOUR favorite motivational quote? What thought sometimes gets you through the day?


I wish you a wonderful weekend, I have many projects coming up for 2011 that I need to start planning, so most of my weekend will be dedicated to that though I'm definitely going to hit some more weihnachtsmarkts here in Germany -- I plan to take the train to Oldenburg tomorrow to hit one there and HEMA, of course, and Sunday there is a party in the house where I live, I can't wait to go upstairs and mingle with my new neighbors and enjoy some of their Danish goodies that they will make. Cheers!

Psst: Have you see the December issue of Lonny? It's real nice.

(images: lonny)