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Leela Cyd Ross Photography

I know, I know... I just mentioned Leela Cyd Ross in a previous post, but I found this image in her online portfolio and it grabbed me hard and wrestled me to the ground with emotion - I love it and wish I could frame this pretty pic for my kitchen - this is such a gorgeous piece of work. I love photographic storytelling and a diptych photo like this one below really opens your heart and mind to what stories lurk there, doesn't it? To me it's the perfect blend of beauty and melancholy. It's serene and hopeful but also a bit sad.

Leela Cyd Ross is a features writer for Kitchn but also a wonderful photographer with a great online portfolio that you must browse for a moment today... You'll find images that just may transport you into a space and time with lots of sun, cloudless skies and warm temps like this...

Leela your work is beautiful, thank you for sharing it on decor8 today.

(images: leela cyd ross)