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Meet le Superflu + Dorlis Meier

Ready to enjoy something fresh and pretty? Dorlis Meier is a jewelry designer that I can imagine seeing in Anthropologie and Liberty. With gorgeous, quirky and very original work, her skill, trained eye and consistent vision make her pieces divine. I especially love that everything is truly one-of-a-kind and made by her own hands. Her brand is called le Superflu, which happens to be the name of her quaint little shop in Hannover where I live. I discovered this hidden gem while out on an aimless Sunday stroll last month and I vowed to return during store hours... I did as I intended and not only did I purchase three exquisite pieces that I'll forever cherish, but I have a special shop tour and interview to share with all of you. (a charming video produced by dorlis and her friend.)

But first, isn't it amazing what a special necklace can do for an outfit and for the lady lucky enough to wear it? It's the lipstick on your lips, the icing on your cupcake, the cream in your coffee. As a customer and a fan of Dorlis' work, I thought that I'd set an appointment with her and drop in for tea and a chat to share on decor8 and that is exactly what I did. Dorlis surprised me with French pastries and many stories behind the designs in her display cases. She explained how items were sourced, from tiny glass vintage birds found at nearby flea markets to the metal that she pierces and then, stitches through which takes hours of concentration and skill. Talented Dorlis is completely in love with her craft and combines her finds, whether vintage lace or charms, with her own metal and stitch work along with semi-precious stones to create beautiful works of art that are lovely but not too precious (which I like). There is nothing in her collection that isn't a labor of love. Some of her pieces are even found in the forest and then recreated into charms and decorative elements layered inside of a brooch or shadowbox-style locket. So imaginative!


During our tea and chat, we spoke of many things and then I jumped up, as I felt so inclined to capture the moment, and decided to snap some photos. I saw so many things that I felt you'd love to see, including Dorlis herself shown above. Would you care to listen in on our conversation to learn more about this German designer and what she loves? Of course you would!



Holly: Why did you choose the name, le Superflu? What does it mean and when did you open up shop here in Hannover, Germany? Dorlis: My shop is actually called, "le Superflu cést necessaire", (or Superflu for short) which is French and means that you can never have enough colour, ornaments, gemstones, bows - just anything beautiful! I like to make a little fun of the Bauhaus philosophy and try to not take everything so seriously. I opened my shop one year ago with the idea to create my own world and share it with people who have the same love for vintage finds and colourful gemstones as I do.



Holly: How did you become a jewelry designer? Dorlis: First I had my apprenticeship to become a goldsmith. After that I went to Hamburg to work at Colleen B. Rosenblat, which was very inspiring. She is known for her huge colourful high class jewellery and an adorable showroom. After a few years there, I decided to find my own style and create something personal. I studied metal design at the HAWK Hildesheim and finished with a diploma. Georg Dobler was a great teacher and is a very popular jewelry designer. I am so thankful for his support.



Holly: When did you know you wanted to turn this passion into your career? Dorlis: I started making necklaces when I was a little girl, spending all of my pocket change on beads and buttons. One day I took a weekend course at a goldsmith studio and after that I knew that this was my love! The smell, working with my hands -- it was and still is a kind of meditation exercise for me.



Holly: What do you consider to be the most important accessory for a woman? Dorlis: To me a necklace makes a woman even more beautiful. They give me the most opportunities for design to because I am not so limited in size and weight. It is important for me to make my jewelry comfortable to wear and feel.



Holly: Overall, how would you describe German design that you see coming from the independent movement here? Dorlis: I think it is self confident, not so commercial, simple and focused on creating new functions and in experimenting with new materials.

Holly: Where do you look for inspiration and what are your five favorite things about living in Hannover? Dorlis: I love to walk around and go to flea markets and galleries. Very often I take a bike ride and let my mind flow. What I love about Hannover is the Eilenriede forest, Herrenhäuser Gärten/Gartentheater, Cumberlandsche Galerie, Scilla-Blüte am Lindener Bergfriedhof and Lindener Marktplatz on Saturdays.



Holly: What are some of your current favorite trends that you see in fashion and for the home? Dorlis: I adore the fifties-style, especially from Scandinavia and the range of colours from mustard to curry and amber. My favorite Wallpaper is "Woods" from Cole & Son. I also love the cozy "knit" trend using accessories made from yarn like rugs, cushions and bed covers…

Holly: What are some songs/artists that you enjoy listening to while you work? Dorlis: Emiliana Torrini: Birds, Stacy Kent, Motown Funk and Soul, The Beatles



Holly: What is your favorite city and why? Dorlis: I love Amsterdam! The product design, the architecture, the canals and bridges... It is just the right size to explore everything by foot or bike. There is a very inspiring jewelry scene there such as Galerie Ra, the Sieraad jewelry fair...

Holly: If money grew from trees, what one thing would you buy? Dorlis: A big old Victorian house at the seaside with a pony, donkey and rabbits in the backyard. Furnished with all my favourite design classics, of course.



Holly: I love Sundays in Germany because almost everything is closed except for cafes and museums. What do you love to do on Sundays? Dorlis: I like to take a long walk in the forest with my family, where I look for nice branches, flowers, bugs and butterflies. After that, I end my day with a big plate of vegetarian Thai food - gorgeous!

Holly: For those visiting northern Germany, what are your favorite flea markets around here? Dorlis: In Hannover - Leineufer, in Hamburg - Lehmweg and Turmweg and in Berlin - Arkonaplatz and Boxhagener Platz.



Holly: What about German life and culture do you appreciate and value most? Dorlis: To me the Adventszeit is nice because it is cosy with all the candles, cookies, crafting and knitting and the good smell everywhere! I love the smile on the face of my son Jacob when he opens the door of his Adventskalender! In summer I love BBQs at the Schrebergarten with good friends.

Dorlis, what a pleasure to know of you and your creations and decor8 readers, I hope that you've enjoyed this peek into the world of a local designer who lives in my city! Thank you Dorlis for allowing me to explore your atelier and to learn more about what you do!

Psst: If you like anything shown, you may order from Dorlis directly or ask her to custom make something gorgeous for you. You may also order things directly from her DaWanda shop here. If you happen to be in Hannover, you can see her work and buy it at the upcoming craft show over at the Handwerkskammer Hannover from November 26 - December 18 or at our annual indie craft fair,Designnachten, in Hannover on December 17 & 18.

(images: holly becker for decor8)