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V.K. Rees Photography

Have you ever heard of V.K. Rees Photography out of Brooklyn? I hadn't until recently and I am smitten by her blog so I've decided to make it the decor8 blog of the week. Vanessa Rees, aka V.K.Rees, is a photography studio specializing in food, still life, lifestyle, portrait, fashion, event, and weddings. This talented lady launched her studio only recently in 2010 after completing her MFA and has already made quite a name for herself with clients both near and far. She has shot weddings for clients all over the east coast and has contributed to Food & Wine magazine. I find her blog stunning and I love that each of her posts wraps up with a darling photo of her cat. It's the little things, right? Lovely Food Blog

Lovely Food Blog

Lovely Food Blog

Lovely Food Blog

Lovely Food Blog

Lovely Food Blog

What gorgeous photos and I'm sorry, but how cute is it that her cat is involved in her photo shoots? And I like that she sets up her shots near her bedroom window sometimes near to all of that gorgeous natural light. It's inspiring to see such a simple set up and shows that talent doesn't have to do with having a massive light studio and a crew, that it really boils down to having a vision and just going for it in any way that you can. What a nice way to wrap up a work week, for me at least.... Animals always make me smile and I love homecookin', that doesn't hurt either. I think the egg toast looks like a great Saturday morning breakfast idea for me tomorrow... Yum.

(images: Vanessa Rees)