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Monday, Monday...

Hello friends! How are you today? It's Monday, a new week and new possibilities. I've been thinking a lot about the post that I wrote, Thoughts on Being Honestly Happy, where nearly 250 of you left beautiful, uplifting and often very personal comments and so later today I plan to write another post as a follow up. It's so important to me to not leave anyone hanging - when I read some of my favorite blogs and the blogger pours out their heart and then, never returns to let readers know what's what, I often feel a bit concerned and wonder what is going on. Blogs make us responsible, accountable, we can't just say stuff and assume it's not important to others because, well, it is. We cannot assume no one cares. We're all in this together. Happy  Monday

After I wrote that post, I was actually quite overwhelmed and even moved to tears at times by your reaction - not just the comments but also the very personal emails, Facebook emails, tweets and even text messages and phone calls that rolled in and are still coming in even though it's been nearly 3 weeks since I wrote it. I must admit that I assumed only a few of you would really "get" me or relate (boy, was I wrong!) and the rest of you may simply skim through it and move on to the more fluffy and pretty design posts, but you didn't... You stopped, read, and tried to relate and it felt amazingly validating and beyond encouraging. You really blew me away. THANK YOU. So yes, later today I'll post about a few of the plans of action that I've taken since and how so far, I'm beating "this" - though I'm still not exactly certain what "this" really is yet. I'll also tell you about a few aha! moments I've had, epiphanies if you will...

Back in a moment with beauty to inspire... Then I'll begin writing Thoughts on Being Honestly Happy: Part Two.



(photos: holly becker/instagram)