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How To Crush It: Working With Brands e-Course

Oh no! I got so wrapped up in sharing my travel adventures that I still need to tell you all about my current e-course, Working With Brands From A-Z,  that kicked off yesterday and wraps up May 22, 2017! The first lesson was a video from me for 15 minutes followed by 3 lessons. It's only a two week class so there is no long term commitment or pressure on your part, yet it's absolutely packed with EVERYTHING you need to know about how to crush it when it comes to working with companies from the smallest to the largest. We're covering everything we can in two weeks (lesson outline at the bottom of this post) from the importance of engagement on Instagram, the different campaigns you can do, what to get paid and how to ask for money, tips on how to maintain clients, sponsored blog content, how to run your business like a pro. This dynamic, interactive class is packed with ideas for working with companies on campaigns and in other creative ways too that don't involve social media.

Enroll here today!

I am thrilled to teach this class because I have invested the past eleven years obsessing over blogging and digital marketing while also having to earn a living. I had to learn how to work with clients in a way that benefited them, myself and my readers while still maintaining a good reputation and not compromising my values. I have read and followed everything about working with brands and social media marketing in general and I've applied MOST of what I've learned... Though at times I didn't listen and I failed miserably, and had to pull myself out of that hole of pain -- but I learned anyway and pressed on. I have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars not listening to some of the advice I was given by well-meaning family and friends who knew a lot more about working with brands and marketing then I once did. I have also generated a lot of revenue by applying what I've learned and from thinking of new, creative ways to work with people. I've seen all sides - the darkest nights of my business and the brightest days. All in all, I've learned a lot and I'm sharing all of my secrets and tips with you.

I've also been on both sides of marketing - for my own brand (decor8) and for other brands to help to promote and grow them. I've tried Facebook ads, Instagram ads, affiliate marketing, campaigns for brands, Skype consults with brands, running ads on decor8, hiring ad managers, being my own ad manager, teaching myself how to work with clients, flying to big cities to meet with some of the largest companies in the world to teach their teams how to use social media to extend their brand, lecturing before hundreds of bloggers on social media-related topics, retargeting, polling, newsletters, reading reading reading... If anyone can teach you about how to work with brands, it's me. But it has taken me 11 years and you don't have 11 years to learn this - so learn it all in 2 weeks from me.

Bottom line: If you want to work with brands, you have to be willing to spend $129 on this class OR be willing to take the time to teach yourself through trial and error as I have done for over a decade. Think of education as a big part of your self-care ritual because it is - it's good for your self-esteem because when you are successful at what you do, you glow from the inside out. When you speak confidently about your work, are sought after by brands, when other bloggers look up to you because they see your good work, you shine! Then, you can share that glow with others and make them feel good. Plus, learning is the only way your business can survive and thrive - you have to keep firing up your brain to make new connections, form new ideas and get yourself out of your ruts and routines that can sometimes cause you to stagnant and ultimately, stink at what you do. Don't be stinky! :)

Because this is the first and LAST time I will teach this topic, I will keep enrollment open for the next few days in case you want to get started. Class JUST began yesterday and new materials won't go live again until tomorrow, so you haven't lost time.

Enroll here today!

Full course outline below: Different Ways To Work With Brands What Brands Look For In Bloggers/Influencers/Partners How To Write a Sponsored Post How To Know The Right Brands For You How To Find Brands And Reach Out To Them (Pitch email templates will be provided) How To Post a Sponsored Instagram Photo (or IG Stories, IG Gallery, etc.) Finding Agents And Ways To Work With Them When Brands Reach Out To You: How To Handle Them Pitch Ideas For Bloggers, Instagram Users, and Influencers How To Pitch To Brands Red Flags To Watch Out For Deciding Your Rate Asking For Money What Do You Do When Brands Don't Want To Pay? Legal tips Negotiating Contracts Continuing The Relationship With Brands 30 minute live chat Q & A with your teacher and fellow students (once a week on Fridays)

See you in class!
