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Meet Me in Italy at Il Mondo Creativo in Bologna November 17 + 18, 2017

Hello dear readers, I am so excited to say that I'm going to Bologna, Italy this Thursday! I've been invited by Il Mondo Creativo, a leading trade show in Italy for crafts and decoration, to teach an Instagram and Styling workshop and give 2 live demonstrations during their fair, both with a book signing to show you my Italian book, "Decorare a Festa" which is Decorate For a Party in English.

I was invited as a special guest by Il Mondo Creativo thanks to my dear friend Anabella Veronesi from My Washi Tape. Anabella and I can barely communicate because she's speaking Italian and Spanish and I'm speaking English and German - so we talk a lot with hands and feet - and plenty of hugs, google translate, and emojis. Anabella is that special person you meet only a few times in life where you feel a genuine connection to from the start, a person who lights up a room but also who is helpful, kind and loving - not a superficial passing ship in your life - but a loyal and lovely friend for the long haul.

I'm so happy to see Anabella soon and to also say hello to my friend Charlotte Hedeman Guéniau, founder of homewares empire RICE in Denmark and the new Riceteria, who will present her latest book, Happy Home Outside: Everyday Magic for Outdoor Life, in Italian at the fair.

If you would like to see my live FREE demonstrations and buy a book from me to sign (optional of course), here is the schedule:

  • Friday, November 17th at 14:00

  • Saturday, November 18th at 16:00

Vuoi imparare a decorare con semplici ma bellissimi DIY la tua tavola e la tua casa? Holly Becker, autrice di “Decorare a festa” ci farà vedere come fare e ci darà preziosi consigli. Vi aspetta al Teatro Craft – Padiglione 22 // Venerdì ore 14.00 // Sabato ore 16.00

Want to take a private workshop with me at the fair?

If you would like to take a workshop with me and a small group of students, in English (but I'll have an Italian translator to help!), you can register for the workshop here. The class is 65 Euro and you get to spend 2.5 hours with me from 10:00-12:30 on Saturday, November 18th to learn all about Instagram and Styling your photos for Instagram.

The first hour from 10-11 we will learn about everything important when it comes to using Instagram from your brand identity to monetization, and then I'll take questions for 30 minutes from 11:00-11:30.

For the final hour, from 11:30-12:30, we will all move around the room to take photos and learn styling with me for Instagram.

NOTE: You can bring some of your products or anything you love to take photos of from home or your office, and we can work with them to take some nice photos and I can show you how to take the best pictures using your phone, the apps I use to edit my photos and how to style things to create a pretty picture.

Register for the Instagram Workshop here: INSTAGRAM – Come definire il tuo stile, far crescere il tuo account , creare contenuti e foto efficaci

See you in Bologna! Oh but wait, any travel tips for me? Anything I simply must see in Bologna? I have Thursday afternoon/evening free, and Sunday too for most of the day, so let me know what I should be seeing and doing in BOLOGNA! Thank you!

Follow my adventure on @decor8 INSTAGRAM from Thursday, November 16 until Monday, November 20 when I'll be posting all of my BOLOGNA inspiration and travel tips!

