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8 Fantastic Rug Dealers From Domotex Hannover 2018

Hello everyone! When I was at Domotex, I saw a TON of rug dealers but today I want to show you 8 that I really loved and think you will like too. Two days at the fair just wasn't enough time. Next year, I will definitely go for three days. It's really an impressive rug show. I couldn't believe this was the first time I'd been, given that I've lived in Hannover for over 8 years and I'm so involved in the design world. Glad to say, this won't be my last visit to Domotex - I already have it on my calendar for January 2019 because it was just so impressive and focused. I loved that the most, the focus - to just be absorbed all day long in flooring. 

If you missed it, here is a post about my experience speaking at Domotex and what we discussed in our panels too, so visit this page for more on that because you may find it all quite interesting to read.

Here are 8 of my favorite Rug Dealers who were at #Domotex.

1. Mariantonia Urru

Mariantonia Urru is both a company and the name of its founder, who started the workshop in Sardinia fueled with a passion for traditional motifs and weaving techniques along with bringing these techniques into modern homes to create a beautiful, inspiring setting. In addition to their own designs in-house, they have collaborated with Patricia Urquiola, Paulina Herrera, PLS Design, Carolina Melis, Silvio Betterelli, Antonio Marras and Caterina Quartana.


I loved their fish patterns and overall, the colorways as they were so soft and had a unique coastal vibe that reminded me of my childhood on the beach. I particularly loved how tactile they were, and that they are going even beyond rugs to upholster furniture and create floor cushions too.

2. Rug & Kilim

Rug & Kilim wasn't so new to me because we share a common bond. The owner is the brother of Jason from Nazmiyal, who advertised on decor8 for years and years when I was living in the United States and still had ads on this blog. I have a special spot in my heart for Nazmiyal, so when I learned Rug & Kilim was in Hannover at Domotex, I knew I had to go meet them.

I was so surprised by what I found! They are taking motifs from traditional Scandinavian rugs and reinventing them in new, subtle and simple colorways and the quality was just beautiful. I really loved these kilims - so fresh and modern. I could have taken several with me, in fact, I still wish I had ordered one but there is always Domotex next year!

3. Sania Pell for Unlimited Style Rugs

One big highlight for me was to see the rugs that were designed based off of the paintings of my dear friend, London stylist and art director, Sania Pell for Unlimited Style Rugs.

Rug in the center, Sania Pell

Here is Niki Brantmark from My Scandinavian Home, who loved the blush rug most!

I met the owner, Sushma Arora, and her lovely daughter, Noya, and had such a nice time celebrating the launch of Sania's rugs with my friends Agata, Niki and Desiree. I am really proud of my friend Sania and think these rugs are so on-trend and beautiful.

4. Tisca

Had it not been for the styling job by Lotta Agaton and Pella Hedeby, who spent a few days in Hannover at Domotex creating a beautiful booth for Tisca, I may have passed them by. At a rug show, after a while you start to fade. It's like smelling perfumes for hours, everything starts to smell the same. That's why you need something to shake you up and get your attention.

Seeing the gorgeous rugs of Tisca in context drew me in like a moth to a flame. I didn’t even really know or follow Lotta and Pella so religiously before, I knew of Lotta but sadly, I don’t have a lot of time to follow everyone’s work on Instagram or blogs these days with a small child, work and all of the travel that I do.

However, when I arrived at the fair and Lotta and Pella attended my lecture, I was thrilled they knew who I was and introduced themselves and told us they’d styled a stand for Tisca. Of course, I had to see what they were talking about, so here are a few photos that I took to share with all of you today. I just loved seeing the rugs from this Transylvanian rug company and was happy to see their products in context.

I hope that we will see more and more stylists creating booths for brands because I know so many firms design in-house, but to have someone come from the outside to style your stand, that can really elevate your brand. Upon observation, I noticed during my two days at Domotex that Tisca always had people lingering around their stand looking at the styling work of Lotta and Pella, taking photos, and looking quite interested and inspired.

5. Bazar du Sud

These guys, straight from Marrakesh, were so friendly and welcoming, it was a pleasure to not only see their beautiful rugs but to talk to them. I don't have much to say other than I loved their rugs, they were affordable, varied, and beautiful and their customer service was unbeatable.

I found out later that Bazar du Sud won an award from the fair for being the friendliest at the show and I can believe it!

6. Natur Pur

This the cutest story ever. I was having lunch with Agata at Domotex when the cutest little girl and mom duo came up to me and asked if I was Holly Becker. "Yes", I replied, and they begin to explain how they're fans and how excited they were to meet me and that they come from Austria with their rugs and would love to welcome Agata and I to their booth for coffee and marzipan. In fact, the little girl was in charge of making coffees for their clients and was very excited to have me stop by. Of course, I couldn't refuse a darling child with a hot cup of coffee - never!

Agata and I with the sweetest little girl!

When we went to visit their booth a little later on, we were both very pleasantly surprised. Their brand, Natur Pur, is a family-owned company and they have a real passion for working with makers in countries like Peru to produce ethical, beautiful rugs that are free from dye. The colors are straight from the animal and 100% natural. I feel in love with a few of the rugs cannot suggest them highly enough - the quality and beauty is just outstanding the family was just the nicest, most warm and passionate family, that I'd met at the fair.

7. Hossein Rezvani

Hossein Rezvani is both a rug designer and firm based in Hamburg, and was simply the best in show in my book due to the outstanding craftsmanship and beauty of his rugs. Half Iranian, half German, it was so impressive to meet him and hear him speak about his rugs with such conviction, and to explain how they are made and the time that goes into a single rug.

I was deeply impressed by the intricacy and how he takes traditional Persian rug motifs and reinterprets them into new, modern patterns and colors. I also was impressed by the silk, some of the rugs had such a gorgeous sheer to parts of them, they were stunning to look at and to also run your hands across.

8. Edelgrund

I liked the colors, the kilims, the quality, and the owner of Edelgrund, also based in Hamburg, who was quite passionately sharing her opinions about Domotex! I left with my head spinning, but I still really liked her rugs and found the booth gorgeous and inspiring as it was so spacious, airy and the rugs really stood out in their gorgeous, rich colorways. I can't wait to spend more time at this booth next year at Domotex and bring my professional camera next time so I can take better images. I'm so disappointed in the photos I've taken, shown throughout this post (not all but most) because they aren't up to my high standards - I used an Olympus Pen and it's a great camera for outdoors but I had a hard time using it inside with all of the natural light mixed with the synthetic light - my Canon 5D Mark III is my baby - I definitely have better control with lighting when I shoot at fairs using my Canon despite the massive body and sheer weight of it.

I can't wait to see what you think of my selections, so comment below if you have a moment.

I have to note that I easily could add 20 more dealers to this list, but I have to stop at 8 for lack of time and lack of photos! But next year when I return to Domotex, I definitely will add a day to go in stealth mode (maybe a disguise will help so no one stops me to chat) and just look at all of the stands and absorb more of the beauty there. I know that I missed SO MUCH.



(Photos: My iPhone 6+)