7 Favorite Things For Christmas From Martha Stewart (+ 3 Cookie Recipes!)
Around the holidays, I used to love when my mother sang, “Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels, doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles, wild geese fly with the moon on their wings, these are a few of my favorite things,” from the Sound of Music. It was always such a comforting and loving song to hear as a young girl. Do you have a favorite holiday song, too?
Each year around this time, I’m thinking a lot about my favorite things, especially family and friends - the people I love, the wish lists and the many hopes we each have of getting something new to cherish from someone we care about.
For my second and final post about The Martha Stewart Collection created for Macy’s, I’m sharing a few of my favorite things from her holiday collection around the theme of EATING. If you remember from Friday, my first post from the collection centered around SLEEP. Now that you’re awake, it’s time to eat, so below are 7 things for mostly the kitchen, and yes the wreath again because the second one I have is on the door and I wanted to show you how it looks, and - the bonus - 3 cookie recipes from Martha!
Here are my “things” but do allow me to geek out a bit, because details make me deliriously geeky when they are done right. BUT I honestly can’t stop looking at my new cast iron dutch oven (below) in raised letters “MARTHA STEWART” on the lid, I mean, no one in Germany has that on their stove this holiday season but me (and maybe you too if you order from Macy’s, they ship overseas now). I wish I had ordered more, because I know at least a few of my foodie girlfriends over here are going to want one too.
These are my 7 favorite things from The Martha Stewart Collection created for Macy’s BUT they are selling out quickly so you better watch out, you better not cry, you better click fast, I’m telling you why….
1/ 24" Lightly Frosted Wreath with Mercury Glass Balls
2/ Tree Bowl
3/ Grey Plaid 2-Qt. Enamel Cast Iron Dutch Oven - also available in red in two sizes
4/ Stainless steel bottle/thermos (we are taking ours over the weekend to the mountains for a snowy hike, and filling it with hot cocoa!)
5/ Tree s+p shakers (Update: Sorry they just sold out).
6/ Cookie cutters and tray (Update: Sorry, they also just sold out.)
7/ Martha Stewart Tea Kettle
Now, how about 3 lovely Christmas Cookie recipes from MarthaStewart.com? You can view more on her website HERE. I found these, and I’m definitely baking the gingerbread this weekend with my little boy + friends. Nom Nom Nom.
I hope that you have lovely plans lined up for the holidays. What will you do? My last day of work for this year will be this Thursday, then I’m off until 2 January. BUT, I have good news for you… I have home tours lined up from tomorrow until the first week of January, so I’ve scheduled them to all run while I’m away… If you want to see what I’m up to over the holidays, I’ll definitely be posting on my Instagram and Instagram Stories (@decor8), so please stay in touch with me there.
I’ll be back tomorrow with a gorgeous home tour - TO DIE FOR - stay tuned friends!
(WERBUNG/AD: This post was sponsored by Martha Stewart and The Martha Stewart Collection created for Macy’s. All thoughts, words, photos, styling and product selection is my own, and none of these products were selected for me or recommended. That you for supporting my site by reading and sharing my posts on your social media, it’s because of you and my occasional sponsors that I can keep decor8 up and running for nearly 13 years!)