Happy Spring!

Today is the first day of Spring, I'm a year older, and decor8 has a new look for the season. I hope you like it. :) I'm taking a mini blog vacation today so I'll see you again on Thursday.

While I'm away... I just added a ton of new shopping links in the right column for the European cities listed there, and to your left, a new blog of the week and a book of the week. Both are quite awesome, so don't miss them!

Psst: Brent, an amazing graphic designer and friend that works on my seasonal banners, did another bang up job, don't you think? If you're looking for a graphic designer, please send me an email because I'd love to put you in contact with him.

See you Thursday, and Happy March 21st - Spring has sprung!

(image: birdie glass vase from figments in providence, stationery from penny people, and atelier lzc russian doll tea towel from mirror mirror.)


Matthew Mead Style


Limited Edition Steven Harrington Print at Tiny Showcase