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Etsy: Take Five Tuesdays

Did you think for a moment that I'd forgotten about Take Five Tuesdays? Oh no, not one bit. In fact, I look forward to writing this each week, having a dedicated column has helped give me a little structure and though I love the wild world of blogging on a whim, it is fun to play magazine editor a little and be responsible for a weekly feature. I've been finding so many amazing artists on Etsy lately that I'm having a hard time selecting only 5 to showcase on Tuesdays. I could easily feature more, which is exciting because the well is hardly close to running dry. Here are my picks for this week, I hope you find something pretty that calls out to you! :)

Looking for fabric? Have I found a gem for you. Meet Jezze from
South Africa and her delicious blockprinted designs. I'll take the
Pink Stamens and the Floating Flowers please.

Chicago creator of coolness, Up In The Air Somewhere, creates subtle
objects with attention to detail and craftsmanship. Simple, clean, modern.
So many perfect little things to look through in her shop.

I'm surprised that this work appeals to me, but Sarah Blank's somewhat
surreal artwork is quite intriguing. It's as if you can hear tales being whispered
by candlelight to New England children many years ago as they await father
to return home from sea. They're quite interesting to look at, telling a bit of
a story the more you examine the details. Learn more about artist Sarah
and her inspirations on her blog.

I fancy the way Draw Flowers from Italy recycles vintage materials,
like these original 1960's and ?70's wallpapers, transforming them into lights,
boxes, wallets, and more. Flower Power done right.

Who doesn't love a few natural wood critters around the house?
Get your little woodland friends, a few houses, and some fruit
right here at Woodmouse in LA.

Please click on the Take Five Tuesdays link below for my previous Etsy finds.

(images from etsy artists linked in this post)