Thanks, Boston Globe

Today has been one of the single most exciting days in my life thanks to the Boston Globe. I'd like to thank Meaghan and Hayley for everything. I have to admit, I didn't see the paper until this afternoon after my mother called in asking if I was insane for not racing out this morning to pick up a copy. Uh apparently yes, thanks mom.

It took that call from a very proud mom telling me about her trip to the coffee shop this morning where she proceeded to show it to everyone that I realized maybe I was taking this whole press thing a little too lightly. At that, I headed to Starbucks to grab a copy. All composed and non-chalent, I opened the paper and the moment all the color and pattern from the front page of Style & Arts jumped out at me, I burst into happy tears. Yup, right there in the land of Vente lattes and GrandeMochafrappawhatevers. But more than a pretty layout, writer Meaghan really nailed it in the article -- from how I feel about those I feature on decor8, the importance of design in my life, and all the great "creators" out there that I'm proud to associate with here in our online design community each day.

Since I've been answering emails from Globe readers today about many of the products and people mentioned in the article, I thought it would be handy to link everything below so if you're coming over from the Globe you can easily access what was highlighted in just a few quick clicks.

Marisa Haedike
Michelle Caplan
Domino magazine
Alicia Bock photography
Chinoserie bedding from Dwell Studios
Amy Butler Fabric
Purl SoHo
Crochet Pendant Lighting by Roost at Rian Rae
Mammy rug (in blue) by Angela Adams available at Urban Living Studio
LAX coffee table from MASH Studios at Design Public
Kirin sofa by Oly Studios available at Hudson
Sunshine Cosmos pillow by Hable Construction
Devi Home
Fabric Place
Apartment Therapy

If you're not in Boston and would like to read the articles they're over on : A few thousand of her favorite things and Great 8.

(images from holly becker for decor8)


Wish Magazine {Canada}


Mozi {Australia}