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The Importance of Taking Time Out

Hello friends! How are you today? All is well here in Germany, we are experiencing summer weather still so it's warm and very sunny. It's been really hard for me to stay home and work! One year ago today Thorsten's oma passed away so we took his mother out for the day to ease the sadness for her. My mother-in-law is such a wonderful lady, every moment I spend with her is always so refreshing, so the least I could do was to take the day off and spend time with her. It was such a pleasure, we went to the zoo here and had such a great time enjoying the animals and even enjoying dinner there under the warm sunshine at this traditional German restaurant dining outside on a small farm. Would you like to see a few photos that I took today?

It never ceases to amaze me how much inspiration one can draw from observing animals and nature in general, I feel so energized and creative after spending the day at the zoo - the least likely place I thought I would find this sort of creative energy. Funny how this is, don't you think?

I still want to write all about my weekend in Amsterdam and the blogger meet and greet, but I'm still waiting for my husband to re size the images so that I can upload them to Flickr so please be patient with me. I will definitely be blogging about Am'dam soon though, I have so much to tell you!

All this talk about nature and inspiration, I'd like to ask you... what have you done lately to relax and recharge? It is vital to take time away from the normal routine -- something that doesn't involve a cell phone, computer, or entering a retail space! For instance, after walking around a zoo for six hours I am now on my bed blogging (my desk hasn't arrived yet), sipping chai, and listening to a new CD (Nylon: 10 Lieder ?ber Liebe) as I watch the sunset and feel the warm summer air blowing through my window. I have candles flickering on the window sill and ah yes... this is the life. This special time right before the sun goes down to write, reflect on my day, and enjoy the good feeling of being alive and to live on a planet with so much to explore and enjoy. We are so lucky just to be alive and healthy, to have our families and friends, to enjoy the luxury of sitting before a computer and communicating with people in other parts of the world.

So again I ask, what have you done lately to refresh yourself? Do you have a special routine? What do you like to do to chill? Why do I care? Well truth is I like to hear from you because I learn? a lot from the comments left on this blog. You may look at decor8 as an inspiring blog, but I look at all of you as inspiring people that I enjoy being around here each and every day. I look forward to your comments and learning about you. Never be too shy to share!

See the little cuddle action above? Aren't they the sweetest little creatures? I cannot stop looking at them... They look like little people in fur coats. :)

(photographs taken by holly becker for decor8)